Advantages of a Temporary Job
Temporary work or 'casual', 'freelance' or 'contract' work means you are employed under no set hours. You could be working for as little as a day or be contracted for a couple of years, or if you have a specific skill set, you may be contracted for a one off project, depending on the requirement of your employer.
The flexibility of temporary contracts has also seen companies using temporary staff so they can shift with supply and demand factors. It is no surprise that since the pandemic there has been a major increase in the number of temporary job vacancies offered and many workers are looking into this way f working and living as an alternative to a permanent job - What are the advantages & disadvantages of temporary work?
Flexibility - Not Being Tied Down
Sometimes work and life are very difficult to balance and a number of factors can limit the number of hours you can work and the amount of commitment to a job you can give. It might be that you have children and can't work during school holidays or maybe the Universal Credit restrictions limit the number of hours you can work, if you don't want to lose out on your benefits.
Some temporary jobs are on short term contracts, where you are employed for days, weeks or months rather than years, which can give you work flexibility.
You are not tied down to your employer and have no commitment to the business you work for.
Work Experience
It can be difficult to find a job if you have been unemployed, but many temporary jobs needs workers at busy times or to cover sickness , so temporary work is usually much easier to find and there may be less qualifications or specific skills needed to cover the role. Once working it is inevitable that you will pick up new skills, work alongside colleagues and gain valuable work experience which you can add to your cv for future job applications. There may even be the opportunity to work for the same company in different roles or in a permanent position if you are a good and capable worker.
Just Moved
Moving to a new area and unfamiliar surroundings, where you don't know anyone can be very daunting. You may not be able to find a permanent job straight away but have financial commitments like rent and bills to pay. Temporary work can be a good stop gap and a quicker and easy way to keep money coming in during this transition, than looking for a permanent job role.
Getting Back to Work
There are many reasons why people take a break from working and a career. Having children, caring for family members, sickness or injury. After taking a break from the workplace, for whatever reason, it can be difficult trying to get back into full time employment. Temporary work can offer a quicker and easier way to start working and will also help with finances if you have been unemployed for a while and can help build confidence and self esteem, to move forward with other job opportunities. Temporary work can be a great way to try out new career paths without having to commit to a full time job in an new sector too.
No Sick Pay
If you become sick or unwell during your temporary contract you will not be entitled to sick pay, if you are unable to work. This can leave you financially vulnerable if you have regular payments to cover.
Unsecure employment
Temporary contracts may not be for you if you have long term financial commitments like mortgage payments or you prefer to know when, where and who you will be working with from one day to the next. Equally if pensions, employment benefits like sick pay and health care packages are important to you, permanent job roles may be more desirable.
If you are actively looking for a temporary job and feel this type of contract work would suit you - look no further, you are in the right place!
ASL can place you in a temporary work contract appropriate to your skills and qualifications. We currently have numerous companies and businesses seeking talented workers to fill temporary positions and to start work immediately.
How to apply for a temporary job
All you need to do now is register with us online, filling out as much information as possible. Once you've created an account, you'll be able to update your records as appropriate, for example, if your telephone number changes or if you complete a course or qualification. You will also be able to register for notifications of permanent job vacancies that match your skills and qualifications as they go live and track the status of your application.
Once you've registered, contact us to set up your registration interview.
Need some help with your CV? Visit our section for CV writing advice .
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