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Mental Health Matters To All Of Us!

Mental Health Matters To All Of Us!
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Managing Director

Being healthy is more than just being able to walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath; our physical health is just one aspect of health. Equally as important is mental health, because without good mental health, everything suffers. 

Mental health has become a hot topic, particularly after the pandemic. The term used to be associated with mental illness, but in fact, mental health is much more than that. Mental health relates to our emotional and psychological state and social well-being. The condition of our mental health impacts our ability to think clearly, how we feel, and how we behave, and it plays a part in the way we handle pressure and how we relate to others and affects the choices we make. So, we don’t have to be clinically mentally sick to be suffering from poor mental health.

There are a lot of pressures on us all these days: money, job, family, caring for elderly parents or children, and trying to juggle all of these whilst still getting some enjoyment from life. Added to this is the pressure to appear we have it ‘all under control’ and that we’re living our ‘best lives’, living up to the unrealistic and occasionally disingenuous appearances on social media. It can all become overwhelming, so much so, 'overwhelm' has now become a recognised condition! All the factors above can cause overwhelm, anxiety, panic attacks, poor sleep - all of which are a sign that our mental health is suffering. Poor mental health might lead us to make poor choices, such as overeating or undereating, or start engaging in self-destructive activities, such as abusing alcohol or drugs. Before it gets to this stage, it’s better to recognise that we’re struggling and seek help.

However, help can be hard to find; the NHS is overstretched, as are charities and support groups. It’s a clear sign of how tough times are that there are so many people requiring these services, and for anyone going through poor mental health, it’s a sign that you’re not alone.

As part of the ASL Worker’s Rewards Scheme, our staff and all temporary workers have access to free telephone support for mental health challenges, 24 hours per day, seven days per week, through our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). The support is completely confidential, and the journey begins with a full clinical assessment to determine what help you need. 

  1. Get support and access to structured telephone counselling (for up to six sessions per issue per year)
  2. 24/7 Telephone counselling and advice line
  3. 24/7 Health and wellbeing advice and support
  4. Access to modular support through the online portal

In addition, the service offers 24/7 telephone access to critical incident advice, personal legal information, signposting, and personal financial/debt information and signposting.

So, if times have hit you hard and you need some support to get through it, don’t suffer in silence; access our EAP through the Worker’s Rewards Scheme from the Candidate Hub on our website.

ASL Recruitment was established in 1999 and has served Hastings and the surrounding area ever since, placing temporary and permanent roles across various sectors, including Industrial and Manufacturing, Legal, Finance, Marketing, Technology and Office Support, from junior to board level. Our co-founder and Managing Director,  Jason Perry , is an HR specialist and a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.